one journey. two photos. three questions.

the concept

every day. connect with one person. get to know their journey. take two photos. (one of them. one of where we met.) ask three questions. share with you. share with the world. inspire me, you & the world in the process.

Friday, February 19

i'm here!

God is amazing. what more can be said? safe. sound. happy. thrilled. and soon to be jetlagged. but most of all. thankful. you all have pushed and encouraged me along the way. and our God has guided every single step.

hello, Pamplona. it's me. joel. nice to meet you. this is the going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. a beatiful journey. me & you. you & the world.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you made it safely to your destination. Our love and prayers are with you.
