(i'm not just a big believer in "life is 90% attitude" but also in doing something about it! hence, me & my traditions. this is a sneak peak into one of mine. everyday, i pull my car over and take in a view. i don't care if i'm in a rush. i don't care where i'm at. i always do it. it's me & my Lord time. it's thanksgiving time. and this is a quick shot of one of those daily moments in zuasti--right near our house.)
- don't trust anyone! we all have a dark side. you may think that everyone is nice and great. but they aren't!
- that people would be less independent. it's so extreme. now, we are so independent that we don't help out. we don't look after other. we avoid them!
- open up my own restaurant right here in pamplona. but somehow, it would be different. i'm trying to figure that part out. it's the fear creeping in though.