one journey. two photos. three questions.

the concept

every day. connect with one person. get to know their journey. take two photos. (one of them. one of where we met.) ask three questions. share with you. share with the world. inspire me, you & the world in the process.

Sunday, April 11

67) pedro. (pamplona, navarra. spain.)

(imagine this. a huge pot. filled with caramelized onions and garlic. fresh chorizo. broken up bread bits. and amazing spainsh olive oil. it turns into "migas." and you don't dish it up. you take a spoon and eat it right from the pot. everyone gathers around. and then you pass around the wine and pour it right into your mouth. simple. effective. messy. hilarious. and the best way to eat family-style.)

  1. humility. you never need anything else when you show it. when you learn to be humble, you have everything.
  2. there are so many fascinating cultures. i want to see us respect them all.
  3. i'm drawing a blank. there just isn't one big thing that i want to do. there's not just one big dream or priority. but yes, there are many little ones running through my head.

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