one journey. two photos. three questions.

the concept

every day. connect with one person. get to know their journey. take two photos. (one of them. one of where we met.) ask three questions. share with you. share with the world. inspire me, you & the world in the process.

Thursday, March 18

24) javier. (pamplona, navarra. spain.)

(there are many things you can't avoid in spain. an intense cloud of cigarette smoke in practically every place you go. this guy did put down his cigarette temporarily to answer my questions! and random, clever advertising. you learn to just go and run with it. an important life lesson, no?)

  1. to be humble--not a dumbie. it takes work. and lots of it. at work. in life.
  2. that, through true justice, we could see the end to hunger.
  3. i would work to bring peace to the "basque" country. there is still so much division. so many divides. so many secrets. but we need more than just me. by myself, it would be impossible. but that is my dream.

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