one journey. two photos. three questions.

the concept

every day. connect with one person. get to know their journey. take two photos. (one of them. one of where we met.) ask three questions. share with you. share with the world. inspire me, you & the world in the process.

Monday, March 22

30) anna. (tudela, navarra. spain.)

(life can become a tangled mess sometimes. speaking to so many people--like this young lady--showed me that sometimes you just have to push through. that clarity is out there somewhere. the second picture is another comparision picture. can you guess what it is? like the day-to-day, it's simpler when you don't overthink...)

  1. learn from your mistakes. sometimes you do. many times you don't. don't give up on them. they are just mistakes. it happens.
  2. that all these crises would be over. social crisis. economic crisis. political crisis. it seems like every step forward is two steps back. i want to see something change. now.
  3. oh! to actually be able to study for two degrees at the same time. they changed the law in spain. now you can only do one at a time. and then progress from there. i would do language education and early childhood education--both at once. i could do it. they just won't let me!

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