one journey. two photos. three questions.

the concept

every day. connect with one person. get to know their journey. take two photos. (one of them. one of where we met.) ask three questions. share with you. share with the world. inspire me, you & the world in the process.

Thursday, March 25

36) inmaculada. (ejea de los caballeros, zaragoza. spain.)

("just lunch." yeah, it's never just a lunch in spain. just a lunch--in this beautiful grandmother's house--included everything from a freshly, butchered lamb with all the fixings to spanish melón wrapped in paper-thin jamón. what a treat! the lamb was gone before i even had a chance to snap a photo. i've learned to never say "no" to anything when i travel. especially from a grandmother!)

  1. you have to be generous. you have to daily volunteer your heart to others.
  2. that we would see some peace in this world. that includes respecting nature and all that we have.
  3. i would be a full-time volunteer--helping out the sick. i would actively "love my neighbor" in a very literal sense.

1 comment:

  1. Jealous...a freshly butchered lamb...good Eating a freshly butchered lamb or sheep is a big part of my Navajo culture. Some mutton stew with some fresh tortillas or fry bread is awesome. What a nice meal you engulfed!!
